
Women of Apostolic Intelligence & Legacy
We welcome you to join a group of women leaders in business, ministry, and advocacy, partnering with industry experts to lift the value of women and girls globally through education, training, and development.
Dr. Yolanda Powell, President & Lead Trainer

To see women & girls rise to new heights of transformation through a legacy of love, truth, and power.

To elevate the God-image & likeness of the female from historic shame & insignificance to profound worth & value.

Statement of Faith
As a Christ-centered organization, we believe that Almighty God created all things, and that we are called to be good stewards of His creation and royal heirs of His Household. We believe that Jesus Christ is the Way, the Truth, and the Life of all mankind, and that through Him we can find forgiveness, identity and purpose. We believe that every human being is of significant worth and value with eternal rights and privileges as a member of the family of God. We believe that the Bible is God's Word, and that it is a guide light of infallible wisdom for our lives. We believe that our highest joy is to grow in daily faith & love, and to use our God-given gifts and talents to honor our Father, serve others and advance the Kingdom of heaven on earth.